| 1. | In addition , the theory of constitution of crime is in great need of perfection 同时,我国犯罪构成理论和实践存在着明显的不足,尚待进一步完善。 |
| 2. | The author anticipate future of constitutionlism building in china and proof theory of constitution chang , recruitment and explanation . at the same time 预测了我国宪政建设的趋势,论述了现行宪法应修改、补充的内容及解释原理。 |
| 3. | So , this article studies the theory of anticipated possibility in order to perfect the theory of constitution of crime and criminal legislation and to direct criminal judiciary 鉴于此,本文将从完善我国犯罪构成理论、完善刑法立法、指导刑事司法的角度出发,对期待可能性理论进行研究。 |
| 4. | The article consists of the preface , general theory of constitution litigation , comparison of constitution in our country with system in foreign countries , construction and perfection of system of constitution in our country , and conclusion 本文由绪论、宪法诉讼的一般理论、中外各国宪法诉讼制度的比较、建立和完善我国的宪法诉讼制度和结论等部分构成。 |
| 5. | In continental law system or anglo - american law system , the series of acts that are not constitute crimes such as justifiable defense , act of rescue and so on , are studied within the theories of constitution of crimes 以正当防卫、紧急避险为代表的一系列不构成犯罪的行为,大陆法系与英美法系都是在犯罪构成内部来研究的,它们不构成犯罪都可以通过不符合犯罪构成得到说明。 |
| 6. | It begins from the cause of the condiction . after that , the author studies the subjective malignant " function and value in three parts : principle of unity of subject and object ; the progress of the theory of constitution of crime and the theory of criminal liability . at last , the author links the theory with practice 接下来,笔者基于主观恶性在目前刑法学界所受到的不恰当的冷遇,以分析这种现状的成因为起点,从主观恶性与刑法学的主客观相统一原则的贯彻、主观恶性与犯罪构成要件体系的完善以及主观恶性与刑事归责过程的完善这三个角度对主观恶性的价值和功能进行了阐明。 |
| 7. | Part 4 : the location of crime obstructed in our criminal theories . the author consider that since all the crimes obstructed ought to be studied within the constitution of crime , the relation between the theories of crime obstructed and the theories of constitution of crime ought not to be coordinate or parallel , but to be including and included 第四部分:犯罪响事由在我国刑法理论中的定位。本文认为,既然各种犯罪阻却事由都应该放在犯罪构成内部来探讨,那么,犯罪阻却事由理论与犯罪构成理论就不应该是并列与平行的关系,而是被包含与包含的关系。 |
| 8. | In the introduction , the article is explaining the practical significance of the research of classifying administrative acts . because the types of administrative acts influence the types of judgments , and the constitutions of administrative acts decide the classification of the types of acts , it is necessary by using the theory of constitution to classify the administrative acts 在导论部分,首先说明研究行政行为类型化的实践意义,由于行政行为类型对裁判类型的影响,而行政行为构成要件决定着行为类型的区分,因此有必要通过构成要件理论对行政行为进行类型化。 |
| 9. | Establishing principle of a legally prescribed punishment for a specified crime , the constitutive elements of a crime stipulated in the criminal law is the sole legal basis of conviction , so we ought to research them in the angle of constitution of crimes . based on our current theories of constitution of crimes , in this thesis , the author detailed studied the series of acts both prescribed in the criminal law and wide - recognizied in the academic circles , and proved that in which element they did not accord with the constitution of a crime 这种研究方法并不科学,尤其是罪刑法定原则确立后,犯罪构成就是定罪的唯一法律根据,我们也应该从犯罪构成的角度来审视它们。本文立足于我国的犯罪构成理论,对刑法明文规定的以及理论上广为承认的一系列不构成犯罪的行为进行了较为详细的分析,从犯罪构成的角度论证了它们分别是在哪一个要件上阻却成立犯罪的。 |